Guest columnist James Levine: Children need patience, care to escape grip of trauma

In this column, James Levine shares experiences working with children impacted by trauma, details the different ways in which trauma can manifest, and offers hope in regards to the way in which mental health practitioners can support a child in their healing process.


Paul Podolsky, podcast host & author of the book Raising A Thief, interviews James Levine

In this podcast, James Levine shares his thoughts on Raising A Thief, a parent’s memoir about their child’s struggle with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), as well as his insights from a distinguished career in the psychology of trauma, with longtime friend Paul Podolsky.


“I have never met a caregiver who didn’t feel worry or self-blame regarding residential or day placement for their loved one. The way I try to frame it is that it is no different than a medical care need. Therefore, it makes sense that if a child simply can not cope within the structure of the family, the hope is that the family can put aside the worry and blame and realize that “this is what is best for our child right now.” It’s a level-of-care question.

— James Levine